
We only use quality Gildan SoftStyle® t-shirts (made from 100% ringspun cotton) for a more comfortable fit and superior print quality.

Size Guide
We offer our t-shirts in a variety of sizes to ensure the best possible fit. As garment sizes can often vary according to fabric, style, and manufacturer, we recommend choosing a larger size if in doubt.

S      - 34"/36"
M     - 38"
L      - 40"/42"
XL   - 44"/46"
XXL - 48"/50"
3XL - 52"
4XL - 54"/56"
5XL - 58"/60"

Note: For hygeine reasons we are unable to offer refunds on apparel. Please ensure that you choose the correct size before ordering.

All of our apparel is manufactured in the UK by Shirt Monkey, a Direct To Garment (DTG) printing company that uses state of the art Kornit Avalanche HD6 printers. You can find out more about their process at